* Check out other experimental works here on OpenProcessing

This div-iii project consists of three separate sub-projects all trying to evoke a discussion on one topic: reality. Specifically, what is reality? Is a stable reality possible? Could multiple realities exist for us concurrently? And what does it mean for reflection and distortion to exist in between different realities? The first project, System Portrait, is a web-based photo gallery that attempts to show the screen space as a layer of reality. The second project, You Only Look Once, is a web-based photobook that tries to create a fictional narrative by reconstructing memories. The third project, The Four Walls of My Room, is a multimedia installation made with a GLSL ES shader, video footage, a 3D-printed object, and a projector.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Div-III committee, Professor John Slepian for always being supportive and providing insightful comments, and Professor Lee Spector for always supporting me throughout my Div-III.

I also want to give special thanks to the following people, without whom my completion of this project would not be possible:

Professor Pau Atela for providing inspiration, mathematical support, and some great feedback.

Professor Jean Marie Casbarian for a wonderful conversation that helped me to look at my own work from a different angle.

Harry Wang for providing technical help on music production; Cherlynn Zhang for helping with printing; Winnie Song and staff at the Design Thinking Initiative at Smith College for helping with 3D-printing; and Meg Coulter for helping with installing.

Finally, I want to thank all my friends and my parents for supporting me during the year. This has been a difficult period of time, and the present of you all makes the reality a bit less painful.